Please get in touch with is using the contact details provided or alternatively, complete the form below.

We have two phone numbers: 0191 4974630 or 0191 4555361 and options to allow you to get through to the right person quicker.

Our phone calls are recorded for monitoring and training purposes.



Hannays Solicitors and Advocates Ltd.
19 Beach Road
South Shields
Tyne and Wear
NE33 2QA

"*" indicates required fields


Home and hospital visits for elderly, ill or disabled clients locally

We realise that sometimes circumstances prevent our client’s from being able to visit us in our offices due to illness, frailty or disability.

It is not a problem for us to arrange an out of office appointment as we frequently arrange to visit clients in their own home, hospital ward or residential care home.

  • We don’t charge anything extra for home, care home or hospital visits for our elderly, ill or disabled clients within the Borough of South Tyneside, Sunderland or Washington (Tyne & Wear). If a visit is required further afield please check with us if it is possible.
  • We try to arrange a time that is convenient for our clients
  • When we visit we will not outstay our welcome
  • We won’t try to sell unnecessary and additional legal products that will increase expenditure needlessly