Gill Wright LL.B (Hons)

Director, Head of Children and Family

Gill qualified as a solicitor in 1993 after obtaining her Law Degree from Nottingham Trent University and studying for her Solicitors Finals at The College of Law in Chester. For the past 30 years Gill has specialised in Family Law with a particular focus on Children Law.

Since 1998 Gill has been a member of The Law Society Children Law Accreditation Scheme which recognises her specialism in this area of law and enables her to represent not only adults but also the children themselves in proceedings where this is needed.

Gill is a member and Accredited Specialist Family Lawyer with Resolution – Resolution’s membership are family lawyers and other professionals committed to the constructive resolution of family disputes. Members follow a Code of Practice that promotes a non-confrontational approach to family problems and encourages solutions that consider the needs of the whole family – and in particular the best interests of children.

After heading up a Family Law Department in a busy County Durham practice for 10 years an opportunity arose in 2012 for Gill to return to her hometown to manage the Family and Children Department at Hannays Solicitors and Advocates Ltd., and is a Director.